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How to cover early grey hairs

How to cover early grey hairs

We will all get grey hairs eventually, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. But if you feel your greys are prematurely aging you, or you’re not quite ready to embrace them, it may be time to dye your hair. With a little bit of knowledge and the right product, no one will ever know about the wiry friends that have started sprouting in your otherwise well-coifed hair.

Know when it’s time to start

If you only have 5 or 10 grey hairs, no one will ever notice, especially because the rest of your hair will cover many of the greys. But by the time 20 or 30 percent of your hair is grey, and it bothers you, it may be time to consider an at-home solution.

Choose full or partial coverage

Generally, full coverage give the best results if you want to disguise grey hairs that are spread out around your hair. But if you have one specific section that has turned grey, you can get away with coloring that single chunk by itself. Choose a color on the box that appears to be a match to your natural hair color and do a trial. The worst that can happen is the color will be too light, since you’re trying to cover a very light or white base. If your chosen hue is in fact too light, try one shade darker.

Which one is right for you? Permanent vs. semi-permanent

Permanent hair dye tends to be better at covering grey hairs at home and is a good option for longer-term results that won’t fade after a few washes.

Choose a shade

There are many color options, especially when it comes to Garnier Nutrisse Cream—which promises 100 percent grey coverage and natural-looking hair color. Many women choose blonde because it mixes easily with white or grey roots and gives the face a more youthful glow. Rich chocolate brown or medium red are both also excellent choices if you have a dark complexion or naturally dark hair. Be careful not to stray too dark because deep hues can pick up imperfections in the skin, especially as we age.


Grey hair is naturally drier and coarser than pigmented hair, so it requires extra time with a hydrating mask or conditioner. It also helps to choose an at-home hair color that will nourish the hair and protect it through the dye process.  The color kit also comes with a nourishing triple oil conditioner that blends avocado, olive and shea oils to provide rich nourishment and protect your hair against dryness until the next time you color.